Monday, January 28, 2008

For 1/29/08

There seemed to be a lot of talk about artists names and accomplishments in the article. In your view, what makes a piece of sucessful?

Juile Scher - Predictive Engineering 2

Julie Schers piece is an interactive web page that goes on a sort of non linear journey though a technological interface. It references society and technology, surveilance, and modern medicene. All in a sort of uneasy, slight "off" way. I felt kind of uncomfortable navigating through the site when I first started exploring it. While this may reference contemporary alienation in our society or something like that, I found it difficult to use, and I wanted to sort of dismiss it when I started playing around. Until the first real transition, i found myself sitting at my computer saying "okay?" to myself.

While this website raises a lot of issues, i think it doesnt offer much in the terms of beneficial discourse, all it really seems to do to me is display contemporary issues, that many people are already aware of in a confusing, allegorical, albeit-new light.

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